Alexander Thieme
Countdown is a video performance by Alexander Thieme where he cuts a large sheet of paper in 2 pieces. One half he then cuts in 2 again and so on till he can’t cut the last piece anymore. > Website
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Flooded McDonald’s is a film work by Superflex in which a convincing life-size replica of the interior of a McDonald’s burger bar, without any customers or staff present, gradually floods with water. Furniture is lifted up by the water, trays of food and drinks start to float around, electrics short circuit and eventually the space becomes completely submerged. Flooded McDonald’s from Superflex on Vimeo. The Financial Crisis (Session I-V) is a new film work in which SUPERFLEX address the financial crisis and meltdown from a therapeutic perspective. A hypnotist guides us through our worst nightmares to reveal the crisis without as the psychosis within. During 4 sessions you will experience the fascination of speculation and power, too fear, anxiety and frustration of loosing control, economic loss and personal disaster. The Financial Crisis – trailer from Superflex on Vimeo. Superflex website
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