Category: Sculpture

Reading Position for Second Degree Burn

Dennis Oppenheim

1970 Book, skin, solar energy. Exposure time: 5 hours. Jones Beach, New York


Semâ Bekirovic

Kalverstraat, hd video, 3:00 An attempt to create a square of free space in Amsterdam’s most crowded street. Event Horizon , hdvideo, 4min, 2010. A landscape is gradually engulfed by an approaching black hole Birds of Prey – Semâ Bekirovic from We Love You So on Vimeo.

Conflict of interests

Krištof Kintera

video installation in a public space, wireless broadcast of a situation at a private apartment to a monitor placed in the street, duration: 1 month

Emergency Cabinet

Tom Frencken

Emergency Cabinet : This cabinet keeps a bible to prevent you from reading it until its absolutely necessary