Category: Performance


Artemisa Clark

This video documents a performance in which I crawl from the hostel I stayed in during my time at the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts to the Hohensalzburg Fortress, where the classes and final show were held. > It’s wasn’t me, I swear.

Nexus Vomitus

Millie Brown

LiveStudio saw the marriage of music and performance art in the form of Nexus Vomitus, a collaboration between vomiting artist Millie Brown and opera singers Patricia Hammond and Zita Syme. During the one-off performance piece, Millie created a rainbow-like spectrum of vomit on canvas to Patricia and Zita’s melodic interlude.

Reading Position for Second Degree Burn

Dennis Oppenheim

1970 Book, skin, solar energy. Exposure time: 5 hours. Jones Beach, New York

Mission Calls

Ahmet Ogut

Mission Calls (2008-2009) is a work composed by three large drawings that appear as a short storyboard of a performative act that anyone could do. The sequence shows a common street dog transforming into a rescue-dog and it is the artist, with a seemingly absurd and surreal gesture, that grants the unsuspecting dog this role of power.


Ivars Gravlejs

“On the railroad”, black and white photograph, 1989 My attempt to commit a terror act by switching directions of the railroad. “Bubble”, black and white photograph, 1993 I asked my cousin to take a picture of the chewing gum performance. “Me”, black and white photograph, 1990 I’m pretending to be dead drunk.

Alexander Thieme

Countdown is a video performance by Alexander Thieme where he cuts a large sheet of paper in 2 pieces. One half he then cuts in 2 again and so on till he can’t cut the last piece anymore. > Website

Chris Burden

Chris Burden has created this piece Metropolis II, a kinetic sculpture consisting of 1200 Hot Wheels cars.


Thomas Mailaender

During summer 2006, Thomas Mailaender invited Benoit Dutherage, twice vice-world champion of sand sculpture, to spend one week with him on a beach. Thank pietmondriaan ;)