In the video installation consisting of ten video recordings, Goran Škofić treats his own body. Each video shows a multiplied figure of the author who in repeating rhythm performs just one action (workout in the gym, running, applauding in a concert hall…). In this way he realizes Baudrillard’s theoretical assumption of the simulacrum, enabled because of the possibility of electronic image’s mediation. He deconstructs the body into a naked “corpus” as he titled his work, liberating it of humanization, of bodily weaknesses like fatigue or mistake. Škofić’s character acts in the rhythm of incessantly repeating movements and has no foothold either in the original or the truth. Corpus / Set-up in Small Gallery from Goran Skofic on Vimeo.
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Flooded McDonald’s is a film work by Superflex in which a convincing life-size replica of the interior of a McDonald’s burger bar, without any customers or staff present, gradually floods with water. Furniture is lifted up by the water, trays of food and drinks start to float around, electrics short circuit and eventually the space becomes completely submerged. Flooded McDonald’s from Superflex on Vimeo. The Financial Crisis (Session I-V) is a new film work in which SUPERFLEX address the financial crisis and meltdown from a therapeutic perspective. A hypnotist guides us through our worst nightmares to reveal the crisis without as the psychosis within. During 4 sessions you will experience the fascination of speculation and power, too fear, anxiety and frustration of loosing control, economic loss and personal disaster. The Financial Crisis – trailer from Superflex on Vimeo. Superflex website
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This installation consists of a five and a half minute video and ten pictures. In this video, I put myself into the skin of a vague coarse rapper who unfurls over the name of the great German philosopher a string of thoroughly out-of-place insults in French and English (out-of-place, that is, in the philosophical debate). This crazy displacement is the comic mainspring of the video. The pictures play on a different chord: they borrow images coming from the video, in the upper half, and words of German vocabulary in the lower. The link is the same as in Masse sur comptable. The upper images are focused on the red shoes of the phoney rapper. The blur of the moving image is rendered by keeping the texture of the video image and the aerial character of the shots. The letters detached from the wording in the bottom part have the weight of things that cannot be counted. They refer to the absurdity of the insults associated with the name of a philosopher. How to draw a square – E. Duyckaerts envoyé par leoscheer_tv. – Films courts et animations. A mini video-lecture. Great to speak an English which has an accent vaguely […]
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Homeless people are often locked out from the society. Especially in shoppingmalls and shoppingstreets they often get displaced and are segregated from the rest of the world. To demonstrate this unfairness I closed away the sleeping place of a homeless person with the logos of the consumers-society. La Ruleta de la Suerte is a Spanish quiz show in which candidates have to guess right adages by mention single characters. A slightly dressed woman has to turn around the right guessed characters for fake, actually all the characters are generated by a computer. We manipulated the video so the blackboard finally shows the sentence: Matad el Sexismo en la Television – Stop Sexism on Television Cutouts of banknote-portraits from eight different currencies.
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100 “__ is the new __” found phrases taken from google searches, with keywords separated before and after “is the new”. The separated keywords appear randomly in the “is the new” phrasal template, creating new mixed phrases.
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