Untitled (Hosts) 1996 Structure d’accueil pour deux chèvres Performance Les chèvres ont vécu trois mois dans la sculpture. L’artiste a organisé des visites de Los Angeles et des environs (Malibu, le parc national de Joshua Tree, différents quartiers de Los Angeles, etc.) pour les deux animaux. L’idée était d’accueilir un élément incontrôlable au sein d’une oeuvre d’art et le choix s’est porté sur les chèvres, animaux à psychologie singulière, qui cherchent toujours à surplomber leur environnement et à s’échapper.
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found postcards, 2007 In this work I present a pair of found postcards that looks “totally the same” at first sight, but actually they differ in many details in the picture (a time shift of several minutes is apparent) and also on the back sides. On each postcard it is stated a different photographer; the post offices and the times when the postcards were sent are also varying.. However, the addressee is always the same person. The pairs of postcards are open to diverse explanations of their origins and possible alternatives of their delivery. found photographs + photo-montage, 2008 Using three found photographs depicting four people, I have created fourth one which was missing. (thanks to I L T A ;)
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What does it mean to listen to someone else’s ears? Can two people experience the same space at the same time? I want to slip between your ears and allow you to slip between mine. Body Flux Performance/Installation Body, Environment, Food, Plastic, Audio Recording, Video Recording, Hair, Nails, Urine/Feces, Sweat, Breath What is the body? How does it act as a volume of flux? Inputs: air, food, drink, information (light, sound, smell, touch, taste, etc.), etc. Outputs: breath, sweat, urine, feces, information, hairs, nails, skin, etc. Donning the Void Performance/Device Vacuum, Polycarbonate, Body, Fabric The Vacuum Cuff allows the wearer to wrap themselves in vacuum as they move through their day, bringing empty space to the realm of the everyday/commonplace.
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Somewhere between cinema-vérité and sitcom, home movie and reality TV, filmed performance and auteur film, Keren Cytter offers us a succession of scenes where reality seems to be constantly at loggerheads with fiction. From the angle of this conflict – a conflict which thus representers others – everything is fair game, and each one of the parameters inherent to the execution of these works – from scenario and script to editing, by way of the filming itself and the actors’ performances – is entirely devised and introduced in a logic of tension, matched only by the heightening of the feelings at issue. (…) For her show at Le Plateau, Kerem Cytter juggles with the architecture of the place like a logical extension of what the structure of her films represents: loop and repetition effects are combined with duplications of spaces and artificial symmetries.
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The work is site specific, the content and the medium are created taking into account the specific spatial and social context of Rosenheim. Binary code of the message was “written” by parking new, black and silver cars (VW Golfs) into the approx. 100 m long row along the main city square. Drivers one after the other drove the cars into the square so, that something which at the beginning looked as two or three wrongly parked cars grew into the huge parking lot. The cars of two different colours were arranged so that finally the text of a coded message was written along the square. Although probably no one of the passers-by could read it the message attracted great, if not always positive, interest. The whole action-performance of parking cars has been documented on video. (*VHS video) On January 2, 2004 Dalibor Martinis put a sum of money equivalent to 365 shares into the ZB Trend Investment Fund. Since on this day the price of one share in the ZB Trend was 102.22 euros, the amount invested equals 37,310.3 euros. The money was invested with an investment term of one year, i.e., 365 days, and constitutes the funds of the […]
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